Together, pastors and teachers grapple with important questions regarding Adventist Christian education.
On October 15, 2024, Southern New England Conference (SNEC) pastors and teachers gathered for a year end workers’ meeting to learn how to better collaborate in working for the salvation of the children. The pastors and teachers also divided into separate breakout sessions to grapple with other issues specific to their ministries.
“Ellen White says the work of education and redemption are one [Education p. 30],” explained SNEC Ministerial director, Kenroy Malcolm. Both pastors and teachers work for the salvation of the children, so these ministries complement each other, Malcolm continued. One of the purposes of this meeting was to help pastors better understand that role.
After opening exercises, a devotional, and time to pray together, pastors and teachers engaged in a panel discussion titled “The Integration of Faith and Learning,” with three pastors and three teachers as panelists, moderated by SNEC president, Robert Folkenberg, Jr. Some of the questions addressed by the panel were fielded from the audience, and some were provided by the moderator, including:
- How would you describe the ministry partnership between teachers and pastors?
- What are the biggest obstacles that keep parents from putting their children in our Adventist schools?
- How can they be solved?
They discussed the issues of transportation, location, and the perception that Adventist schools are inferior to those in the public sector. The teachers provided evidence to show that this thought was more perception than reality by sharing findings from the ValueGenesis studies and standardized test scores in which Adventist school students outperform their public-school peers.
“This was an eye-opener for many pastors!” said Malcolm.
When teachers were asked what kind of support they would like from their area pastors, the teachers said they would welcome the pastors visiting their schools from time to time and volunteering for different activities. Currently, some pastors give a morning worship once a week or share their skills or hobbies with the students.
When the question arose how teachers can be integrated into the life and mission of the church, attendees were reminded that teachers work from Sunday to Friday preparing for classes, teaching, grading papers, and more, with Sabbath as their only day off.
When pastors and teachers separated for their break-out sessions, pastors listened to a presentation by SNEC associate treasurer, Ruthie Linthewaite, who explained the tax differences between a regular employee in any organization compared to a pastor, who is classified as self-employed, and what is necessary to receive maximum retirement benefits. This presentation generated so many questions that Malcolm and SNEC executive secretary, Edgardo Herrara, are planning to bring in a retirement expert from the North American Division in February 2025 and to review this information with currently employed pastors and improve their onboarding process for new SNEC pastors.
During the breakout session, teachers and principals spent time working on mission and vision statements for their schools.
Both pastors and teachers were blessed with music by Kirosha Huggans Sidelca and her team who led the praise and worship time throughout the day, and Il Vocé, the choral group from South Lancaster Academy.
“I cannot recall a meeting like this with all [SNEC] pastors and teachers coming together in the last 20 years I’ve been here,” Malcolm concluded. “It was an exciting day, very fulfilling and satisfying.”
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