Dear Ministry Team:
It is exciting and thrilling to hear reports of how God is leading and working in each of your schools and churches. It is also encouraging to read the goals and measurable outcomes (KPIs) that you and your churches have prayerful developed for the coming four years as well as for this year, 2023. The vision is clear – we are not about simply maintaining the status quo. We have been called here, at this time, to press forward. To mobilize the church of Christ to work together in mission.
Amid all our lesson plans, church goals, strategies or conference initiatives let us NEVER forget where the power comes from. I love the way Sister White taps us on the shoulder to remind us of our daily need to connect with God personally and humbly through the study of His Word and through prayer. She says: “Communion with God through prayer and the study of His word must not be neglected, for here is the source of his strength. No work for the church should take precedence of this.” (White, 6T - 47).
Disconnected from a real and vibrant friendship with Jesus, how can we lead? How can our churches succeed? How can our students be led to the source of Life? In short, let’s keep first things first.
Happy Sabbath,
President, Robert Folkenberg Jr.