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Field of Flowers

English Resources

Field of Flowers
Mustard Flowers

Portuguese Resources

Mustard Flowers
Foggy Lake

French Resources

Foggy Lake
Sunrise over the Wheat Field
Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Spanish Resources

*Language resource folders include the"Tithe: And How it Works" video, the 2024 Offertory Readings booklets, 2024 Sunset Calendars, and 2024 God First Videos (to show as offering appeals).

2024 Stewardship Year End Report


Tithe Project 2023

*View video in other languages in the resources tabs above.


By the time the sun went down on Fridays, shopping was done, the house was sparkling, and Sabbath music was playing. Sundown worships were extra special when Daddy pulled out his trumpet and played along with us kids as we tinkered on our instruments. Yes, Sabbaths have connected me with God, family, and friends for my entire life. Every Sabbath is a gift! However, Sabbath is more than a day of warm memory-making. It is a weekly reminder of God’s awesomeness, His desire to be with us, and that He who created us knows what is best for us. Just as Sabbaths highlight His care for us and many blessings, they also remind us that we were designed to honor our Creator by being good stewards of all His gifts (Gen 1:26-28). From Sabbath to Sabbath, I pray we sense His love anew and rededicate our lives to faithfully living for Jesus. I pray that Sabbaths override our tendencies to be distracted from God's plans for our happiness. So, let’s embrace the Sabbath and all it represents and commit to uplifting God with all we have — with the skills, time, money, relationships, etc., given us. Let’s live to honor our Creator and, with His gifts, grow His Kingdom. Audrey Folkenberg, Director Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Stewardship | Planned Giving & Trust Services Email: Office: 978-365-4551 ext 615

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