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Welcome to the 38th Constituency Session
Name badges, electronic voting devices, and packets will be available for pickup at the time of registration. The session information packet has been emailed to the delegates as well.
please contact Margie Santos at 978-365-4551 ext. 603 or with any questions or concerns you may have.
8:00 a.m. – Registration
9:00 a.m. – The session will begin
12:30 p.m. – Lunch
5:00 p.m. - Dinner

Department Reports
What is a Constituency Session?A Constituency Session is a gathering of elected representatives for a particular constituency, to address church business.  This is a part of the organization of the Seventh-day Adventist church.  The Constituency Session of the Southern New England Conference brings together delegates (voting members) who represent each of the local churches that make up the territory of the Southern New England Conference.  Employees of the Southern New England Conference and members of various standing committees are also delegates (voting members) at the Constituency Session.
What Happens?The delegates at the Constituency Session are expected to vote to elect officers, adopt or change the bylaws, appoint members to serve on various boards, organize or dissolve churches, and transact other business as required. One of the most important aspects is the election of the Executive Committee, whose duty is to represent the constituency between sessions.
Who Attends?Each church within the Southern New England Conference sends delegates to the Constituency Session. These delegates must be members of the church which they represent. The number of delegates from each church depends upon the total membership of the church as reported at the end of the previous year. All credentialed employees of the Southern New England Conference and the members of the following Conference committees serve as delegates. Executive Committee Constitution & Bylaws Committee Association Board
How Often is There A Constituency Session?The Bylaws of the Southern New England Conference define the regular intervals of these meetings, with provisions for situations where special constituency meetings may be called. The bylaws as it now stands, calls for meetings to be held at intervals of four years, called a quadrennial.

Who Are We
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